Student Portfolio, B.Music, Teacher Licensure & Vocal Performance

A. Credentials

B. Core Student Learning Outcomes

  • SLO #1 – Written Music Theory: read music at an advanced level, analyze scores from various stylistic periods, and harmonize melodies and bass lines. as relevant to their degree program.

  • SLO #2 – Aural Skills: Accurately sight-sing and take aural dictation as appropriate to their degree program.

    • MUS 1502: Musical score and recording of sight-singing assignment/unit II exam

  • SLO #3 – Music History: Through score analysis and listening, effectively describe musical elements and expressive devices using advanced technical vocabulary. Identify historical periods, genres, and interdisciplinary connections within a historical context.

  • SLO #4 – Applied Instruction: Perform effectively and musically on their primary performance area demonstrating an understanding of relevant repertoire, as appropriate to their degree program.

  • SLO #5 – Piano: Prepare works, as relevant to their degree program

  • SLO #6 – Technology: perform basic digital audio recording and editing; synthesis sampling and sequencing.

  • SLO #7 – Ensemble: Develop skills of collaborative musicianship through participation in ensemble contexts.

    • Concert programs documenting ensemble participation across a minimum of 4 semesters

C. B.Mus, Teacher Licensure Learning Outcomes

  • SLO #1 – Functional Performance: Demonstrate vocal proficiency and the ability to play a variety of instruments.

  • SLO #2 – Conducting: Demonstrate conducting skills in a variety of classroom and ensemble settings that lead to musically expressive and technically accurate performances with ensembles found in K-12 settings.

    • MUS 3155/3156: link to final exam conducting video

  • SLO #3 – Analysis/History: Apply knowledge from music theory, history studies to curriculum development, lesson planning, and daily classroom and performance activities.

  • SLO #4 – Disposition for teaching: Model and display an appropriate disposition for K-12 teaching.

    • No artifact required – cooperating teacher assessment supplied at later date

  • SLO #5 – Arranging: Transcribe, arrange, modify, and adapt music from original sources to suit ensembles in K-12 music settings.

  • SLO #6 – Policies/Standards: Critique methods, policies and advocacy in the arts for their influence on the musical growth of K-12 students.

  • SLO #7 – Teaching: Plan and deliver effective and appropriate music instruction, and assess student learning and growth in a K-12 environment.

    • MUS 4400 or 4401: capstone assignment (plan)

      - AND -

    • Practicum: Observation report from classroom observations

      • (Happening November 5 – 22)

  • SLO #8 – Culturally responsive: Demonstrate knowledge and application of culturally responsive pedagogy

    • Culturally responsive lesson plan from either MUS 1312, 2444, or 3400

D. B.Mus, Performance Learning Outcomes

  • SLO #1 – Performance: Demonstrate through solo and collaborative performances, achievement of skillful competence in the major area.

    • Three-minute (max) video (preferred) or audio excerpt from senior recital or jury

      • (Senior Recital is scheduled for December 6th, 2024)

  • SLO #2 – Ensembles: Function effectively in a large ensemble and/or chamber music setting as relevant to their primary area.

    • Create a document, organized by semester, listing ensemble membership

  • SLO #3 – Pedagogy: Demonstrate competency in applied individual and/or group teaching.

  • SLO #4 – Conducting: Conduct an ensemble with basic proficiency.

  • SLO #5 – Analysis: Prove an academic understanding of the theory and formal structure of a post-tonal composition.