Student Portfolio, B.Music, Teacher Licensure & Vocal Performance
A. Credentials
B. Core Student Learning Outcomes
SLO #1 – Written Music Theory: read music at an advanced level, analyze scores from various stylistic periods, and harmonize melodies and bass lines. as relevant to their degree program.
SLO #2 – Aural Skills: Accurately sight-sing and take aural dictation as appropriate to their degree program.
SLO #3 – Music History: Through score analysis and listening, effectively describe musical elements and expressive devices using advanced technical vocabulary. Identify historical periods, genres, and interdisciplinary connections within a historical context.
MUS 3553G: exam
SLO #4 – Applied Instruction: Perform effectively and musically on their primary performance area demonstrating an understanding of relevant repertoire, as appropriate to their degree program.
Repertoire record from final semester of applied study
Required degree recital programs, if applicable:
Senior Recital (Scheduled for December 6th 2024)
SLO #5 – Piano: Prepare works, as relevant to their degree program
MUS 2206: a link to two-minute (max) accompaniment recording
SLO #6 – Technology: perform basic digital audio recording and editing; synthesis sampling and sequencing.
SLO #7 – Ensemble: Develop skills of collaborative musicianship through participation in ensemble contexts.
Concert programs documenting ensemble participation across a minimum of 4 semesters
C. B.Mus, Teacher Licensure Learning Outcomes
SLO #1 – Functional Performance: Demonstrate vocal proficiency and the ability to play a variety of instruments.
MUS 2442 playing test rubrics, one from each instrument family
- AND -
MUS 1502: Musical score and recording of sight-singing assignment/unit II exam
SLO #2 – Conducting: Demonstrate conducting skills in a variety of classroom and ensemble settings that lead to musically expressive and technically accurate performances with ensembles found in K-12 settings.
MUS 3155/3156: link to final exam conducting video
SLO #3 – Analysis/History: Apply knowledge from music theory, history studies to curriculum development, lesson planning, and daily classroom and performance activities.
MUS 4400/4401: Comprehensive musicianship project
SLO #4 – Disposition for teaching: Model and display an appropriate disposition for K-12 teaching.
No artifact required – cooperating teacher assessment supplied at later date
SLO #5 – Arranging: Transcribe, arrange, modify, and adapt music from original sources to suit ensembles in K-12 music settings.
MUS 4750: project of your choice
SLO #6 – Policies/Standards: Critique methods, policies and advocacy in the arts for their influence on the musical growth of K-12 students.
MUS 3400/3440: school board advocacy assignment
SLO #7 – Teaching: Plan and deliver effective and appropriate music instruction, and assess student learning and growth in a K-12 environment.
MUS 4400 or 4401: capstone assignment (plan)
- AND -
Practicum: Observation report from classroom observations
(Happening November 5 – 22)
SLO #8 – Culturally responsive: Demonstrate knowledge and application of culturally responsive pedagogy
Culturally responsive lesson plan from either MUS 1312, 2444, or 3400
D. B.Mus, Performance Learning Outcomes
SLO #1 – Performance: Demonstrate through solo and collaborative performances, achievement of skillful competence in the major area.
Three-minute (max) video (preferred) or audio excerpt from senior recital or jury
(Senior Recital is scheduled for December 6th, 2024)
SLO #2 – Ensembles: Function effectively in a large ensemble and/or chamber music setting as relevant to their primary area.
Create a document, organized by semester, listing ensemble membership
SLO #3 – Pedagogy: Demonstrate competency in applied individual and/or group teaching.
MUS 4601 or 4760: Relevant document of your choice from pedagogy course
SLO #4 – Conducting: Conduct an ensemble with basic proficiency.
MUS 2155: Link to final exam conducting video
SLO #5 – Analysis: Prove an academic understanding of the theory and formal structure of a post-tonal composition.
MUS 3542: Written analysis paper